next I removed the socket for the right arm with a hobby knife and shaved down the area to a smooth finish, you may just be able to see the little white dot that is the a bit of plastic rod I glued in as a plug for where the arm used to be pinned.
here's the arm glued into it's new position. I cut a ring of plastic tube to replace the old socket then drilled a hole for the pin in the arms new postion and just glue it on, after bending the anchor chain a bit so it looks more like it's hanging down from the new pose rather than be blowing in the wind
on the other side, I filled in the socket in his leg where the cannon nub went and sculpted in the rest of that ring detail thingy. There is now a smaller hole for a pin. I extended the nub thing a bit on the cannon side with a bit of plastic tube and there he is all done :pirate2: