She painted up so quickly using P3 paints and GW washes that I didn't even get WIP shots, she just got done. Ash also painted up very quickly. I'm experimenting with using more washes on the survivors to get them done quickly for game use rather than comp quality. I do kinda want to repaint his pants though, the colour seems a bit too yellow and too drybrushy for my liking.
October 22, 2012
Zombie Hunters - Ash and the Bride
I started my Zombicide survivors with my metal sub in minis. Just got in the mood for painting so started off with the Bride since I kinda thought yellow would be a bit different to work up.
She painted up so quickly using P3 paints and GW washes that I didn't even get WIP shots, she just got done. Ash also painted up very quickly. I'm experimenting with using more washes on the survivors to get them done quickly for game use rather than comp quality. I do kinda want to repaint his pants though, the colour seems a bit too yellow and too drybrushy for my liking.

She painted up so quickly using P3 paints and GW washes that I didn't even get WIP shots, she just got done. Ash also painted up very quickly. I'm experimenting with using more washes on the survivors to get them done quickly for game use rather than comp quality. I do kinda want to repaint his pants though, the colour seems a bit too yellow and too drybrushy for my liking.
Dystopian Wars demo fleets
I got asked by my friend to have a crack at a couple demo fleets for Dystopian Wars. I can't say I was immediately enraptured by the tiny ships but I eventually thought up a way to paint them up and I have to say they really are nice detailed little models to paint.

My approach to painting them was to start with a simple grey prime. I painted the decking a flat light cream colour and the metal parts got cold steel straight over the primer. The sides were painted in space wolf colours for the Antarctica fleet, drybrushing up to highlights. For the FSA I started with goblin green then highlighted up through a khaki then zombie flesh for the highlight. After all that was dry they pretty much got a very heavy Devlin Mud treatment, using a big wash all over the deck and metal areas. For the coloured sides I was more careful and only put wash over the rivet areas. After all that I added highlights to the metal areas and added in details like yellow in the windows and the glowy green sections on the Antarctic ships and the glowy forcefield generator on the FSA ship.
My approach to painting them was to start with a simple grey prime. I painted the decking a flat light cream colour and the metal parts got cold steel straight over the primer. The sides were painted in space wolf colours for the Antarctica fleet, drybrushing up to highlights. For the FSA I started with goblin green then highlighted up through a khaki then zombie flesh for the highlight. After all that was dry they pretty much got a very heavy Devlin Mud treatment, using a big wash all over the deck and metal areas. For the coloured sides I was more careful and only put wash over the rivet areas. After all that I added highlights to the metal areas and added in details like yellow in the windows and the glowy green sections on the Antarctic ships and the glowy forcefield generator on the FSA ship.
Dystopian Wars
October 17, 2012
More work on the train
I really wonder if there was an easier way to do this but I cut out the windows on the cab like this
pin vise to drill holes along the outline of the window
then a keyhole saw blade
which leaves fairly messy holes so then you spend a few hours filing
if you were wondering about the yellow tape it was so I could work out the straight lines to cut windows at the front
then I added frames
and a bit of an edge at the front of the roof
and started on an interior, not sure if this boiler looks right or not
sorry this is a bit blurry but I just spent a few more hours cleaning up all mold lines on the top thingies.
October 12, 2012
New Train - Fast Lane "Western Express"
Hey folks I picked up a new train today from Toys R Us, just curious if anyone else has painted or modded up one of these.I did a repaint on the smaller Fast Lane trains I picked up a few years ago and started a bit of a flood of other trains in the Warmachine forums. This one uses the same gauge of track but has pivoting bogeys and is a fair bit bigger.

nice you can easily fit 40mm bases in the goods car and with a bit of a squeeze a 50mm fits.

the half a train station is nicely scaled for minis too, helpfully I have another half from the previous train so can glue the two together to make a whole building, it could use a platform though.
nice you can easily fit 40mm bases in the goods car and with a bit of a squeeze a 50mm fits.
the half a train station is nicely scaled for minis too, helpfully I have another half from the previous train so can glue the two together to make a whole building, it could use a platform though.
October 9, 2012
WIP on Frankenstein's Monster
Bit of an update on the McMourning gang. I started with the Frankenstein monsters. I started with a zombie green base then thraka green wash. Working up highlights through to Menoth white and deepening shadows with some redish washs followed by dark browns to get some zenithal shading happening. He's possibly too cartoony green but at the moment I don't mind since old photos from the Boris Karloff Frankenstein look that colour.

October 5, 2012
IT'S ALIVE!!!!! McMourning Crew
My friend Andrew spotted a Miss Pack in the MOAB bring and buy, I'd been wanting one for a while and getting her was the tipping point to finally get a McMourning starter set. I've loved the Frankenstein theme since I first saw the set but the very crappy looking monster always put me off. The solution to that was the very nice model of "The Being" from Vesper's game Carnevale which Aetherworks had for sale as well.
So I grabbed the starter set and some 30, 40 and 50mm morgue base inserts as well as the Being and got to work. After a bunch of clipping off base tabs and seeing which mini looks good on which base I got the idea to save the Flesh Construct from the McMourning set. The problems with the model start with the proportions, he's been sculpted like an orc with a hunched posture, a fat body, long chunky arms and short legs, also he has a ridiculous face. In short he'd be a fixer upper to make him workable.
I started off with hunting for a new head. I was sure I had some left overs from GW zombies somewhere. The surprise was I managed to find them. The head I was after was the severed head, it's slack face and half closed eyes were perfect.

I hacked off the old head and pinned on the new one then filled in the gap for the neck, sculpted on neck bolts and added some putty to the top of his head to give him a bigger forehead with stitching across it that classic Frankenstein monster flat top hair.

That improved the model so I tried putting him at the top of the stairs base to even out his height compared to the Carnevale model. It took a day to realise he was still too short and the problem was in his thighs, they were just way too short. I used a razor saw to hack off his legs just above the knees and tried to not destroy his clothes in the process.

I used wire to extend the legs to what appeared the correct height then added on rolls of putty to resculpt the legs. I beefed up the top of the calves and sculpted in all new thighs including some nice big stitched area, actually I hacked into the models arms and legs in a few places to add scars and stitch marks. In the end he's not quite as nice or as tall as my alt figure but I think he's usable now.

And here is the whole crew including a Bete Noire I found I had in a draw, I may add in some Guild Autopsies I picked up a while ago too. Guess I need more morgue base inserts to bring them all together.
So I grabbed the starter set and some 30, 40 and 50mm morgue base inserts as well as the Being and got to work. After a bunch of clipping off base tabs and seeing which mini looks good on which base I got the idea to save the Flesh Construct from the McMourning set. The problems with the model start with the proportions, he's been sculpted like an orc with a hunched posture, a fat body, long chunky arms and short legs, also he has a ridiculous face. In short he'd be a fixer upper to make him workable.
I started off with hunting for a new head. I was sure I had some left overs from GW zombies somewhere. The surprise was I managed to find them. The head I was after was the severed head, it's slack face and half closed eyes were perfect.
I hacked off the old head and pinned on the new one then filled in the gap for the neck, sculpted on neck bolts and added some putty to the top of his head to give him a bigger forehead with stitching across it that classic Frankenstein monster flat top hair.
That improved the model so I tried putting him at the top of the stairs base to even out his height compared to the Carnevale model. It took a day to realise he was still too short and the problem was in his thighs, they were just way too short. I used a razor saw to hack off his legs just above the knees and tried to not destroy his clothes in the process.
I used wire to extend the legs to what appeared the correct height then added on rolls of putty to resculpt the legs. I beefed up the top of the calves and sculpted in all new thighs including some nice big stitched area, actually I hacked into the models arms and legs in a few places to add scars and stitch marks. In the end he's not quite as nice or as tall as my alt figure but I think he's usable now.
And here is the whole crew including a Bete Noire I found I had in a draw, I may add in some Guild Autopsies I picked up a while ago too. Guess I need more morgue base inserts to bring them all together.
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