Had a busy day today painting up the current Nurgle champion in the Sydney Ozpainters get together and painting workshop. Along with a nice BBQ lunch and going out for Japanese for dinner was a pretty good day.
He's an ugly brute of a figure so I had to think a bit how to paint him after quickly assembling him and giving him a white prime with an airbrush. For my version I started with a pale rotting green basecoat for the skin then shaded with more normal flesh tones and highlighted up to menoth white.
everyone busily panting away
and some of the very nice minis that people had brought in to show off
some of the other painters versions in progress
back to my one, I started doing deep shading first with brown then with scab red
then after all the skin was pretty done I painted the metal areas and underneath black then painted the armour folk art gunmetal then drybrushed chainmail
then rust, rust and more rust
I got the idea to use Tamiya clear red on his open wounds and to bloody up the axe, it really brightened up the figure a lot and shifted the tones into the reds quite a bit.
After dinner I drybrushed the base and called him done, just needed some Silfas grass on his base when I got home.
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