August 7, 2017

Reaper Troll to Fallout Behemoth

Got the idea to go through my Reaper bones minis that so far I haven't done much with and think of ways to use them for TNT or other games I'm more likely to play than DnD. The big troll caught my eye as a huge super mutant in waiting. I cut off his axe and dril through his hand to put in a bit of sprue. I cut off some spikes from the armour and added a bunch of half tires made from rolling the grip of a sculpting tool over green stuff then cutting it into strips. Looks a fair bit like tires to me. Will see after they're painted I guess. Also had a go at sculpting a VW badge on his chest. Will be adding some plates and wires poking out later. Was considering a scratchbuilt car door as a shield on the left arm. Now the question is what to turn that sprue into? A big ramshackle club? Should I make it into a street sign? Or put a fire hydrant or engine block on the end as a hammer?

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Tried out some instant mold last night and some green stuff push casts of a stop sign and shopping trolley then got a bit carried away with bolts and spikes and detailing the super mutant and more time making a fancy base. Cutting individual bolt heads from plastic sheet was probably a bit nuts but I love the detail it adds so it was worth it.

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1 comment:

  1. I think my jaw just dropped, that's genius.
    A most excellent conversion.
