I got my hands on some new objective markers from my friends at Aetherworks and did a bit of a rush paintjob to get them all ready for Cancon. Before assembly I used a blade to carve some wood grain into the mdf then assembled with superglue to get them together fast. I resisted the urge to add extra stuff to these as they'd be product examples, the only addition to these is the noose on the gallows which is some string made into a noose and superglued to stay together as well as make the hanging part stiff.
After a marathon painting session with my friend trying to paint Los Bandidos Mexicanos and The Bloodwolf Tribe as well as some Judge Dredd minis I finished off the Clancy's as well as some lasercut objective marker terrain.
So here is the gang
Glad I got them all done in time. After taking the photos we packed them and the town up to go to Cancon next weekend. Hope Andrew manages to get his gangs done as well.